Stop Waiting for Permission.

What will you give yourself permission to do in 2023?

I’m often asked what most often holds someone back from being a changemaker? One of the biggest barriers that I’ve found, both in my research and in my direct work with folks, is people waiting for someone else to give them permission.

So many people are eager to lead positive change, but think there is some magical moment where someone in a position of authority comes along, taps them on the shoulder, and says “okay, it’s time for you to go become a changemaker!”

Of course, that moment is a myth. So instead of waiting for that elusive permission from someone else, the most inspiring and effective changemakers I know flip the script: they give themselves the permission that they need to go get started.

If you’ve been dreaming of making positive change happen, and of creating more just, inclusive, sustainable, or creative world consider this the wake-up call you’ve been looking for.

There’s no one’s permission you need to go lead positive change. Besides your own. So give it to yourself in 2023 and see where it takes you.

The world has never been more ready for you.


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